Compare between studying in Germany and Italy

Germany and Italy are popular destinations for international students, offering a rich cultural experience and high-quality education. However, there are some critical differences between the two countries that potential students should consider when deciding.

Tuition fees

In Germany, public universities are tuition-free for all students, regardless of nationality. This is a significant advantage for students from low-income countries. However, students must pay a small administrative fee each semester. In Italy, public universities charge tuition fees, which are still lower than in other European nations. The average tuition fee for a non-EU student in Italy is around €900 per year. However, suppose your ISEE value is under 23,000 EUR. In that case, you may be eligible for a range of benefits, including Grants: Successful applicants can receive up to 7,000 EUR in grants, which can be used to cover living expenses, study materials, and other costs associated with studying in Italy.


The official language of Germany is German, while the official language of Italy is Italian. While English is increasingly spoken in both countries, it is still essential to have some knowledge of the local language before you arrive. If you are not fluent in either German or Italian, consider taking a language course before you start your studies.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Germany is generally lower than the cost of living in Italy. This is especially true for accommodation and transportation. For example, a one-bedroom apartment in a major city in Germany will cost around €600 per month. A similar apartment in Italy will cost about €800 per month.

Academic culture

The academic culture in Germany is generally more focused on research and theory. In contrast, the literary culture in Italy is more focused on practical application. This means that German universities may have more demanding coursework and exams. In contrast, Italian universities may offer more opportunities for internships and fieldwork.

Classroom experiences

The classroom experience in German and Italian universities can be quite different. In Germany, classrooms are typically more extensive and more formal. Students are expected to be quiet and respectful during lectures, and there is less opportunity for interaction between students and professors.

In Italy, classrooms are typically smaller and more informal. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions and ask questions. There is more opportunity for interaction between students and professors.

Overall, the teaching methods and classroom experiences in Germany and Italy are rigorous and challenging. However, they also offer unique opportunities for students to learn and grow.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between teaching methods and classroom experiences in Germany and Italy:

Factor Germany Italy

Teaching methods More focused on lectures and seminars More varied, with a greater emphasis on practical application

Classroom experiences Larger, more formal classrooms Smaller, more informal classrooms

Learning style Emphasis on independent study Emphasis on language learning and participation

Culture and lifestyle

Italy and Germany are both vibrant and culturally rich countries with long histories. Despite their geographical proximity, they exhibit distinct cultural differences that shape their lifestyles.

Italy is known for its rich artistic heritage, boasting masterpieces from the Renaissance and beyond. Art, music, and literature are deeply ingrained in Italian culture, and Italians take great pride in their artistic achievements. The country is also renowned for its culinary traditions, with pizza, pasta, and wine being just a few of its iconic delicacies.

Germany is steeped in a deep appreciation for tradition and order. The country strongly emphasizes rules and regulations, which its citizens generally respect. Germans are known for their efficiency and punctuality and value hard work and perseverance. Germany also boasts a rich literary tradition, with renowned authors like Goethe and Schiller.


Italians generally embrace a laid-back and leisurely lifestyle. They enjoy spending time outdoors, socializing with friends and family, and savoring long meals over good conversation. The siesta, a midday break for rest, is still typical in many parts of Italy.

Germans tend to have a more structured and organized lifestyle. They value punctuality and efficiency and often plan their schedules. Germans enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and biking, and they are also fond of gemütlichkeit, a sense of warmth, comfort, and conviviality.

Here’s a table summarizing the critical cultural and lifestyle differences between Italy and Germany:

Factor Germany Italy

Cultural emphasisTradition, order, efficiencyArt, music, literature, cuisine

Lifestyle Structured, organized, punctual Laid-back, leisurely, social

Social norms Value of rules, punctuality, and hard work Siesta, emphasis on personal relationships

Leisure activities Outdoor activities Outdoor activities, socializing, enjoying meals

It’s important to note that these are generalizations, and each country has great diversity. Italians and Germans are welcoming and hospitable people proud of their unique cultures and lifestyles.

Which country is correct for you?

The best country to study in depends on your demands and priorities. Germany is an excellent option if you are looking for a tuition-free education. Italy is a perfect option if you want to learn a new language. And if you are looking for a rich cultural experience, Germany and Italy have much to offer.

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between studying in Germany and Italy:

Factor Germany Italy

Tuition fees Free for public universities Around €900 per year for non-EU students

Language German Italian

Cost of living Generally lower Generally higher

Academic culture More focused on research and theory More concentrate on practical application

Culture and lifestyle More laid-back More vibrant and energetic

Ultimately, the best way to decide which country is proper for you is to visit both countries and get a feel for the atmosphere and culture. It would help if you also talked to current students and alums to get their insights on the pros and cons of studying in each country.

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